Apr 2Liked by The Living Philosophy

I was feeling a duality in reading your reflection...a tussle between polarities...a sense of being more than one dimensional...the muse and the meaning...the playful and the perplexing...even the article is written in two parts. In my estimation...(what do I know??!! I don't know you at all...I am going with my intuition here!!)...it seems you might be exactly where you were when you titled this Substack...not so far from an essence?? Living and Philosophy...appear to me to fit just right what you seem to be grappling with.

I applaud your resilience to carry on. I started my Substack and just stalled completely. Your self-reflection is inspiring...I am grateful for your sharing.

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Apr 8Liked by The Living Philosophy

Good to reflect! I am likewise trying to balance sharing exciting ideas from big thinkers, with what often feels like my mundane life, but people like the personality that shines through. Best of luck with your next iteration.

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Apr 3Liked by The Living Philosophy

Someone, somewhere, speaks about Cognitive Dissonance being the name of the game. It appears to be part of my game (perhaps yours). Once one starts to believe in a particular philosophy one runs the risk of no longer a philosopher, but a fanboy/fangirl. I have been looking for 80 years for a new philosophy of life. So far I’ve come up with a motto, “Forward.” Beyond that, I look forward to your next post. Thanks. 😎

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Apr 2Liked by The Living Philosophy

I do think this might be a good way to go about things. It's something that I struggled with for a while. Personally, I'm putting my more controversial stuff behind a paywall.

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Good luck with your adventure!

Maybe this might help.


Have loved your content and hope you come back :)

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A little worried about this Contrapoints binge. I hope you're not becoming a left-wing hatchetman...

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